Friday, 10 July 2009

One of our favourite games in Golden Group:

The ‘Ding Dong Dang’ circle game
Promotes confidence, communication and working together.

1. Find some items from around the house and ask your family to sit in a circle.
2. In the circle give an item to the child next to you saying ‘this is a ding’ they say ‘a what?’ and you repeat ‘a ding’.
3. Pass another item the other way around the circle, saying ‘this is a dang’ they say ‘a what?’ and you repeat ‘a dang’.
4. Keep introducing new items into the circle by giving them more complex names. Such as: ‘This is a ding dang, ding dang dong’.
5. The hardest part for the children will be when 2 different items meet in the middle! At the end of the game discuss with the children which skills they have practised.